Customize your components style

Css class name Description
.arlas-metric-description Style of metric description (below value).
.arlas-metric-title Style of metric title (above value).
.arlas-metric-value Style of the metric value
Css class name Description
Css class name Description
Css class name Description
Css class name Description
Css class name Description


Css class name Description
.boxdraw Sets the bbox style {
.map__layers-list--container Sets the style of layers switcher container {
.map__layers-radio-button Sets the style of the radio-button {
.map__layers-radio-group Sets the style of the radio-group {
.map__layers-stylegroup-name Sets the style of Style group name {
.map__visu-list--container Sets the style of layers switcher container {


Css class name Description
.powerbar__powerbar--count Style of counts.
.powerbar__powerbar--term Style of terms.
.powerbars__powerbar--neutral-state, Sets all powerbars containers when none of them is selected. A powerbar container's width is 100% of the component's container.
.powerbars__powerbar--progression Style of all powerbars rightband when none of them is selected. {
.powerbars__powerbar--progression-default-colour Style of all powerbars progression bar when no color is specified. {
.powerbars__powerbar--selected-bar, Sets selected powerbars containers. A powerbar container's width is 100% of the component's container.
.powerbars__powerbar--selected-no-mounted-bar Sets selected powerbars but not return in aggregation containers. A powerbar container's width is 100% of the component's container.
.powerbars__powerbar--unselected-bar, Sets unselected powerbars containers. A powerbar container's width is 100% of the component's container.


Css class name Description


Css class name Description
.resultgrid--checkbox__count Sets the number of selected items style
.resultlist__body--detailed-item Sets the last row border style. (list mode)
.resultlist__body--item Sets a row border style. (list mode)
.resultlist__bottom_loading Sets the bottom-loading-div style
.resultlist__filter, Sets the filters container border style.
.resultlist__grid-detail Sets the detail grid border style.
.resultlist__header, Sets the header border style.
.resultlist__header--columns Sets columns names style.
.resultlist__header--columns__sort--icon Sets the sort column icon style.
.resultlist__lastline Sets the last row border style. (list mode)
.resultlist__loading Sets the loading-div style
.resultlist__tools, Sets the border style of the tools list container (select-all, select-in-between, grid-list-mode, ...).
.resultlist__tools--menu Sets the menu button container style.
.resultlist__tools--mode Sets the choose-mode-toggle-button container style.
.resultlist__tools--select Sets the selection tools style.
.resultlist__top_loading Sets the top-loading-div style


Css class name Description
.result-attachment Sets the style of the attachment in li tag
.result-attachment-link Sets the style of the attachment link in a tag
.result-attachments-title Sets the style of attachments section's title
.resultdetaileditem Sets all texts style.
.resultdetaileditem-key Sets key style. (key: value part)
.resultdetaileditem-value Sets value style (key: value part)
.resultdetaileditem__actions Sets actions chips style. Moreover, if you want to style a specific action chip, you can use '{{}}-action' css class.


Css class name Description
.resultlist__header--filters Sets filters container style.


Css class name Description
.resultitem__cell--label Sets labels style.
.resultitem__cell__toggle--icon Sets the toggle icon style.
.resultitem__icon_check Sets the checkbox icon style.
Css class name Description
Css class name Description
Css class name Description
Css class name Description


Css class name Description
.brush .selection Sets the brush selection style
.headband_currentselection Sets the currently selected headbands style (a headband is a band over the bar)
.headband_currentselection_max Sets the currently selected headbands style (a headband is a band over the bar)
.headband_currentselection_min Sets the currently selected headbands style (a headband is a band over the bar)
.headband_fullyselected Sets the fully selected headbands style (a headband is a band over the bar)
.headband_notselected Sets the not selected headbands style (a headband is a band over the bar)
.headband_partlyselected Sets the partly selected headbands style (a headband is a band over the bar)
.histogram__axis Sets the axes style
.histogram__brush--handles Sets the brush handles style
.histogram__brush-tooltip Sets all the brush tooltips styles
.histogram__brush-tooltip__horizontal--left, Sets the horizontal left brush tooltip style
.histogram__brush-tooltip__horizontal--right, Sets the horizontal right brush tooltip style
.histogram__brush-tooltip__vertical--left, Sets the vertical left brush tooltip style
.histogram__brush-tooltip__vertical--right Sets the vertical right brush tooltip style
.histogram__chart--bar Sets the unselected selected bars style
.histogram__chart--bar__currentselection Sets the currently selected bars style
.histogram__chart--bar__fullyselected Sets the fixed selected bars style
.histogram__chart--bar__partlyselected Sets the partly selected bars style
.histogram__chart--current-selected--area Sets the style of the area's selected parts
.histogram__chart--current-selected--curve Sets the style of the curve's selected parts
.histogram__chart--fixed-selected--area Sets the style of the area's selected parts
.histogram__chart--fixed-selected--curve Sets the style of the curve's selected parts
.histogram__chart--unselected--area Sets the style of the area's unselected parts
.histogram__chart--unselected--curve Sets the style of the curve's unselected parts
.histogram__description Sets the description part that includes title and start/end values
.histogram__description__endvalue Sets endvalue part style{
.histogram__description__endvalue--background Sets endvalue background style
.histogram__description__startvalue Sets startvalue part style
.histogram__description__startvalue--background, Sets startvalue background style
.histogram__description__title Sets title's style
.histogram__remove Sets the remove tooltip's style
.histogram__swimlane--vertical-tooltip-line Sets the vertical line that's shown when hovering bars in swimlane
.histogram__ticks Sets the ticks style
.histogram__tooltip Sets the tooltip style
.slider-brush .selection Sets the brush selection style
.swimlane-label-container-hovered Sets the hovered label container style of the swimlane
.swimlane-label-container-neutral Sets all labels containers style of the swimlane when none of them are selected
.swimlane-label-container-selected Sets the selected labels containers style of the swimlane
.swimlane-label-container-unselected Sets the unselected labels containers style of the swimlane
.swimlane-label-neutral Sets all labels style of the swimlane when none of them are selected
.swimlane-label-selected Sets the selected labels style of the swimlane
.swimlane-label-unselected Sets the unselected labels style of the swimlane
.tick text Sets the labels style
Css class name Description
Css class name Description
.donut__arc Sets arcs style
.donut__tooltip Sets the tooltip style