ARLAS Persistence API

The ARLAS Persistence API lets you store and retrieve data from key and zone.

URL Schema

The table below lists the URL endpoints.

PATH Template Description
/persist/groups/{zone} Returns the users' groups allowed to interact with the given zone.
/persist/resource/{zone}/{key} Get, create or delete an entry in ARLAS Persistence from its zone and key.
/persist/resource/{id} Get, update or delete an entry in ARLAS Persistence from its id.
/persist/resource/{zone} Fetch a list of entries related to a zone in ARLAS Persistence.

Managing persistence


Method Input Data Output Data Description
GET zone as string Array of string Returns the users' groups allowed to interact with the given zone.


The following methods let you get, create and delete an entry.

Method Input Data Output Data Description
GET zone as string ; key as string DataWithLinks Get the entry for the given key and zone.
POST zone as string ; key as string DataWithLinks Update the entry for the given key and zone.
DELETE zone as string ; key as string DataWithLinks Delete the entry for the given key and zone.


The following methods let you get, update and delete an entry.

Method Input Data Output Data Description
GET id as string DataWithLinks Get the entry for the given id.
PUT id as string DataWithLinks Update the entry for the given id.
DELETE id as string DataWithLinks Delete the entry for the given id.


The following methods let you get a list of entries for a zone.

Method Input Data Output Data Description
GET zone as string DataResource Get the entries for the given zone.