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ARLAS Builder

ARLAS Builder is a no-code interface that allows you to easily edit and configure ARLAS Dashboards.

The interface is divided into multiple tabs, each dedicated to configuring a specific part of the dashboard:

  • Map: Create, configure, and organize map layers.
  • Timeline: Configure the timeline displayed at the bottom of the dashboards.
  • Search Bar: Customize the search bar functionality.
  • Analytics: Design, configure, and arrange widgets displayed on the left panel of the dashboards.
  • Data Table: Configure the data table on the right panel of the dashboard to display tabular data or even images.

Example: ARLAS Builder on the "Analytics" (Widgets) tab

Example: ARLAS Builder on the "Analytics" (Widgets) tab

Builder tabs


Map layers in ARLAS are organized in Visualisation Sets.

Using the Map tab, you can:

  • Adjust map settings, such as initial zoom and location
  • Edit and arrange visualization sets
  • Create and configure geographical layers (with support for multiple layer types)
  • Choose and set default basemaps
  • Preview the layers you’ve created

Example: Configure Map Layers

Example: Configure Map Layers



The widgets displayed in the left panel are organized into tabs, each with configurable icons, often representing specific analysis types.

Within each tab, the widgets are organizes into groups, displayed vertically.

ARLAS Builder supports the creation of various widget types:

Widget types
Widget Types

Data table

The Data Table on the right panel of the dashboard displays data in tabular format.

You can:

  • Configure fields to be used as table columns.
  • Customize fields to be displayed in the detailed view.
  • Set up access to images stored on external servers by configuring URLs in this section.


To see examples and try ARLAS Builder with sample data, follow the Tutorials.