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ARLAS Identity and Access Management allows to manage organisations, users, roles, groups and permissions for ARLAS.


ARLAS IAM has its own interface for Access Management.

Example: ARLAS IAM to manage organisations

Example: ARLAS IAM to manage organisations


ARLAS IAM manipulates the following concepts:

  • organisation: ARLAS is multi-organisations: it partitions collections and users within organisations. Collection can be shared with multiple organisations. Only one organisation is the owner of the collection.
  • user: a user account, linked to a unique email. A user can belong to multiple organisations. By default, a user has its own private organisation. Users gain access to functionalities and data by belonging to organisations, groups and roles.
  • role: an application role, within an organisation:
    • user for accessing ARLAS IAM
    • dataset for managing ARLAS collections
    • owner for managing the organisation
    • builderfor building ARLAS dashboards
    • tagger for tagging hits from collections
    • downloader for accessing download functions from ARLAS AIAS
  • group: set of permissions over collections and hits: allow to specify the visibility of collections and of their content
  • permission: expression that delivers permissions.

ARLAS IAM also manages the user authentication with a login/password.