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How does it work ?

As mentioned in About ARLAS and the Quick Start sections, ARLAS Exploration is a solution that offers a modern and fluid Web application for exploring your spatial-temporal BigData, named ARLAS-wui.


ARLAS-wui (repo) is composed of a set of highly interactive & reusable analytic components : MapComponent, HistogramComponent, ...

  • The components are developed in ARLAS-web-components (repo) project.
  • Each component is fed with data thanks to a contributor that uses the ARLAS-server API client.
  • The contributors are developed in ARLAS-web-contributors (repo) project.
  • A contributor also listens to the filters applied on the component and passes them to the other contributors. These collaborative contributions are assured by ARLAS-web-core (repo)
  • ARLAS-wui-toolkit (repo) is the library that allows to parse the declared components (Ref 3.) and maps them to their corresponding contributors. Check this section out to get more details about ARLAS-wui-toolkit.

ARLAS Server

The search and analytics capabilities of ARLAS-wui are assured by ARLAS-server (repo), a stateless and lightweight server offering REST services for data analytics and OGC services for a high interoperability

See ARLAS Server Documentation

ARLAS Builder

Declaring components to be viewed in ARLAS-wui is possible thanks to ARLAS Builder.

  • ARLAS-wui-builder (repo) generates a config object containing all the declared components and their corresponding contributors
  • ARLAS-wui-toolkit (repo) parses the config object and creates the views according to its content.

Configuration files

config object is stored in two json configuration files (Usually config.json and

Go further with ARLAS-wui-toolkit

Check How to build yours section to know more about ARLAS-wui-toolkit

Practice with ARLAS-wui-builder

Check out this tutorial of how to use ARLAS-wui-builder.

ARLAS Persistence

The generated config object is persisted thanks to ARLAS-persistence (repo). It's a stateless and lightweight server that stores the config object in your file system, a filestore or a database.

See ARLAS Persistence Documentation

ARLAS Subscription

ARLAS-subscriptions (repo) is a service used to generate notification orders (i.e. a message containing information to be pushed to a user by a notification service not provided by ARLAS), according to some criteria subscribed by a user on an ARLAS-server collection.


A user wants to be notified of any new 'document' created in Europe

See ARLAS Subscription Documentation


AIAS (repo) groups a set of microservices in order to offer functions for ingestion, access and download of archives, STAC Items and Assets.

See AIAS Documentation