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Vessel location (AIS) Tutorial

About this tutorial

What will you learn ?

With this tutorial, you'll be able to:

  • Index some AIS data in Elasticsearch
  • Reference the indexed AIS data in ARLAS
  • Create a view of ARLAS-wui (a dashboard) to explore the AIS data using ARLAS-wui-hub and ARLAS-wui-builder

What will you need ?

Follow the Get Started guide to configure your environment.

What will you get ?

An ARLAS dashboard with map layers and graphs to explore a sample of AIS data.

Exploration app created in this tutorial

Exploration app created in this tutorial

The tutorial data

AIS data

Let's explore some boats position data, provided by the Danish Maritime Authority on their website.

This tutorial is based on AIS data emitted from 11/20/2019 to 11/27/2019. We extracted boats positions having the following MMSI :

  • 257653000
  • 265177000
  • 220051000
  • 240305000

We built a subset named ais_data_sample.csv. It contains around 162192 boats positions described with 26 columns.

Example of some columns:

  • Timestamp: Moment when the position is emitted
  • MMSI: Identifier of the boats emitter
  • Name: Name of the boat
  • Ship type: Type of the boat

A line of the csv file looks like:

Timestamp Type of mobile MMSI Latitude Longitude Navigational status ROT SOG COG Heading IMO Callsign Name Ship type Cargo type Width Length Type of position fixing device Draught Destination ETA Data source type A B C D
20/11/2019 06:45:09 Class A 240305000 55.931783 17.345067 Under way using engine 0.0 10.5 257.0 259 9288710 SYEF DELTA CAPTAIN Tanker "" 44 249 GPS 10.0 FOR ORDERS 22/11/2019 06:00:00 AIS 216 33 22 22

Prepare AIS data

We will explore this data using ARLAS.

  • Check that ais_data_sample.csv file is downloaded
ls -l ./tutorials/ais/data/ais_data_sample.csv

Apply basic transformations with a python scripts before ingesting the data. Run in a terminal at the project root:

python3.10 ./tutorials/ais/

Here the script creates a point geometry in WKT format as well as a unique identifier and then write the data in an NDJson file (ais/data/ais_data_sample.json).


The script can be edited to enrich the data before exploring it.

Ingest AIS data in ARLAS

Index AIS data in Elasticsearch

  • Create an empty ais_geopoints index in Elasticsearch with the mapping inferred by arlas_cli
arlas_cli indices \
    mapping tutorials/ais/data/ais_data_sample.json/part-00000-*.json \
    --no-fulltext unique_id \
    --field-mapping MMSI:keyword \
    --field-mapping Timestamp:date-"dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss" \
    --push-on ais_geopoints

Check that the index has been created:

> arlas_cli indices list
| name          | status | count | size |
| .arlas        | open   | 0     | 247b |
| ais_geopoints | open   | 0     | 225b |


The index exists. It does not contain any data yet.

You can check that the data model is correct:

> arlas_cli indices describe ais_geopoints
| field name                     | type      |
| A                              | long      |
| B                              | long      |
| point_geom                     | geo_point |
| unique_id                      | keyword   |
  • Index data that is in ais_data_sample.json in Elasticsearch with arlas_cli
    arlas_cli indices data ais_geopoints tutorials/ais/data/ais_data_sample.json/*.json

Check the state of the data index:

> arlas_cli indices list
| name          | status | count  | size   |
| .arlas        | open   | 4      | 12.1kb |
| ais_geopoints | open   | 162192 | 33.2mb |


The 162192 AIS positions are available in the ais_geopoints

Declare ARLAS collection

ARLAS-server interfaces with the data indexed in Elasticsearch via a collection reference.

The collection references an identifier, a timestamp, and geographical fields which allows ARLAS-server to perform a spatial-temporal data analysis.

See ARLAS Collection for more details.

  • Create the tuto_ais_geopoint collection in ARLAS
arlas_cli collections \
    create tuto_ais_geopoints \
    --index ais_geopoints \
    --display-name "AIS Geopoints" \
    --id-path unique_id \
    --centroid-path point_geom \
    --geometry-path point_geom \
    --date-path Timestamp
  • Check that the collection is created:
> arlas_cli collections list
| name               | index         |
| tuto_ais_geopoints | ais_geopoints |


The tuto_ais_geopoints is created and targets the ais_geopoints index.

Create a dashboard to explore AIS data with ARLAS

The ARLAS stack is up and running, and AIS position data is available for exploration.

We can now create our first dashboard composed of:

  • A map to observe the boats positions' geographical distribution
  • A timeline presenting the number of boats positions over time
  • A search bar to look for boats by their names for instance
  • Some widgets to analyse the data from another axis such as the speed distribution.

Create a dashboard

To do so, let's go to ARLAS-wui-hub and create a new dashboard named Boats dashboard

Creation of a dashboard in ARLAS-wui-hub

Image: Creation of a dashboard in ARLAS-wui-hub

After clicking on Create, you are automatically redirected to ARLAS-wui-builder to start configuring your dashboard.

The first thing we need to do is to tell ARLAS which collection of data we want to use to create our dashboard.

Choose collection

Image: Choose collection

We choose the tuto_ais_geopoints collection containing the ingested data.

Map configuration

As a first step, let's set the map at zoom level 13 and the map's center coordinates at Latitude=57.451545 and Longitude=10.787131.

This way, when loading the dashboard in ARLAS-wui, the map will be positioned over Denmark.

Map initialisation

Image: Map initialisation

Visualisation set

In ARLAS, map layers can be organised in groups called Visualisation Set.

All the layers of a group are shown/hidden together.

We create a first Visualisation Set that we call Vessels Location and we display it by default:

Map initialisation

Image: Create a visualisation set called Vessel Location

Location layer colored by ship type

Currently, the map is empty.

Our first goal is to determine where the boats are located and identify their ship types.

Layer view

Image: Layer view

To do so, let's add a layer named Ship type to visualise the boats location colored by their type.

In the Geometry section, choose the point_geom features geo-field.

Adding a Geometric features layer named 'Ship type'

Image: Adding a Geometric features layer named 'Ship type'


The layer is included in the visualisation set Vessels Location.

Now, let's define the layer's style.

As a starter, we choose the best representation of our geometries: Boats positions are points, we represent it as Circle.

We choose to color the points according to the Ship type field values contained in the data.

We set the radius to a fixed 4 pixels.

Customising 'Ship type' style

Image: Customising the 'Ship type' layer style

Let's switch to the visibility tab.

We notice that by default, the layer is displayed for all zoom levels (range [0-23]) and for a maximum number of elements of 5000.

If more geopoints are located in your map extend, the layer will no longer be displayed. This limit is often used to switch between direct geometric features layers and aggregated layers (see Aggregated layer below).

Let's increase the limit number of elements to 10000.

Customising 'Ship type' visibility

Image: Customising the 'Ship type' layer visibility


After clicking on Validate, our first layer is created

New layer 'Ship type' is created

Image: New layer 'Ship type' is created


We can edit each layer with the Actions button.

We can now preview the layer in Preview tab

Preview of 'Ship type' layer

Image: Preview of the 'Ship type' layer

We see now where the boats are passing by thanks to this layer.

Geo Big Data: Aggregated Layer

For this tutorial, we have ~160 000 boats positions to explore, but ARLAS can handle millions of positions.

It would be very difficult to display them all as it would be very heavy to request all that data at once and the browser will not be able to render as many features. We will end up loosing the user experience fluidity.

Most importantly, loading millions of boats positions on the map will not be necessarily understandable: we cannot derive clear and synthesized information from it.

That's why ARLAS proposes a geo-analytic view: we can aggregate the boats positions to a geographical grid and obtain a geographical distribution!

Let's create a dedicated Cluster layer for boats positions geographical distribution. We call this layer Distribution.

Creating a geographical distribution layer

Image: Creating a geographical distribution layer called 'Distribution'

We choose the Cluster type, we aggregate the point_geom geo-field to a geographical Tile Grid and we choose a fine granularity for this grid.

We will display on the map the grid's cells.

Let's define the style of these cells in Style section:

Creating a geographical distribution layer

Image: Creating a geographical distribution layer

We interpolate the cells colors to the number of boats positions in each cell. That's why we choose Hits count that we normalise and choose a color palette.

In the visibility tab, we can also set the Minimum Features number to 10000 to switch correctly with the created location layer.

After saving this layer, we can again visualise it and explore where the positions are geographically in the Preview tab.

Boats positions geographical distribution

Image: Boats positions geographical distribution

In the preview tab, you can save your current visualisation as Preview that will be displayed to represent the dashboard in the hub.

Save your modifications and switch to ARLAS Hub:

Dashboard preview in ARLAS Hub

Image: Dashboard preview in ARLAS Hub

Timeline configuration

Let's find out the time period when these positions were emitted.

For that, let's define a timeline: a histogram that will represent the number of boats positions over time.

For the x-Axis we choose the timestamp field and for the y-Axis we choose Hits count: the number of positions in each bucket. We set 50 buckets in this example

Define timeline

Image: Define timeline

In the Render tab we can set a title for the timeline, date format and the histogram type.

Rendering of timeline

Image: Rendering of timeline

Search Bar configuration

To define the search bar we can set :

  • the placeholder string
  • the field used to search keywords
  • the field used to autocomplete the searched words

Define search bar

Image: Define search bar

Analytics board

We focused on the geographical and temporal analysis. We can also explore other dimensions of the data.

Create a tab

ARLAS proposes to organise all the analytic graphs (widgets) in tabs. A tab can correspond to a thematic analysis.

Let's create a tab called 'Vessels' where we will add our widgets.

Creating tab in Analytics board

Image: Creating tab in Analytics board


We can configure the tab "icon" that will represent the tab in the dashboard.

Once the tab is created, we can add groups and widgets.

Distribution of Vessel type (term)

We want to observe the distribution of the geopoints per ship type.

The first step is to create a group that we call 'Ship type' (we can configure its icon) and create a widget.

Creating tab in Analytics board

Image: Creating a 'Ship Type' group and add a widget

The Donut widget and the Powerbars are well adapted to explore a term field distribution.

Create a Donut

Let's create a Donut widget

Add a Ship type Donut

Image: Creating a Donut widget to explore 'Ship Type' distribution

The donut is base on the Ship type data field.

Create a Powerbars

Let's create a Powerbars widget to complement the Ship type exploration:

Add a Ship type Powerbar

Image: Add a Powerbar widget to explore 'Ship Type' distribution

We create a Powerbars where each value of the aggregation field (Ship type) is represented by a bar corresponding to its number of datapoints.

Add a Ship type Powerbar

Image: Configure the Powerbar widget to explore 'Ship Type' distribution


In the Render tab, you can color the powerbars

The two widgets to explore the Ship type information are now available:

Add a Ship type Powerbar

Image: Configure the Powerbar widget to explore 'Ship Type' distribution

We can add as many tabs, groups and widgets as we want to explore our data.

Distribution of Heading (number)

Let's see what does the heading distribution of these vessels looks like.

We add a new group we call 'Heading' and create a histogram.

Creating a group in Analytics board tab

Image: Creating a group in Analytics board tab

Let's configure our histogram. We can give a title to the Heading distribution histogram.

For the x-Axis we choose Heading field and for the y-Axis we choose Hits count: the number of positions in each bucket.

Defining heading distribution histogram

Image: Defining heading distribution histogram

When we save the histogram we automatically get a preview of it in the analytics board.

Preview heading distribution histogram

Image: Preview heading distribution histogram


Feel free to add all the widgets you want to explore the data !

Explore the dashboard in ARLAS-Wui

Now we defined :

  • The map layers
  • The timeline
  • The search bar
  • The widgets

Let's save this dashboard by clicking on the 'Disk' icon at the bottom-left of the page.

If we go back to ARLAS Hub, we'll find the Boats dashboard created.

List of created dashboards

Image: List of created dashboards

We can now open it in ARLAS-Wui to explore AIS locations:

Exploring Boats dashboard in ARLAS-wui

Image: Exploring Boats dashboard in ARLAS-wui

As you can see we created a simple dashboard to start exploring raw AIS data!

Check out a more sophisticated dashboards about the AIS data in our demo space!

You can get inspired from our different demos to build other map layers and other widgets.