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INSPIRE compliant Data sets and WFS & CSW services

As from v9.6.0 of ARLAS-server, Data sets and WFS & CSW are compliant with INSPIRE standard.


To activate INSPIRE compliant elements response, you need to enable the corresponding option in ARLAS-server configuration file. arlas-inspire.enabled: true.

For more information about how to set ARLAS-server configuration options, please refer to this link.

Required INSPIRE metadata elements for Spatial data sets (ARLAS collections references)

The metadata elements are to be set at ARLAS-server configuration stage and at collection reference creation.

The table below sums up these metadata elements and how to customize them through the ARLAS-server configuration and ARLAS collection reference model

Dataset INSPIRE Metadata elements Description Customization
Resource Title Title of the data set dublin_core_element_name.title node in Collection Reference model
Resource Abstract Description of the data set dublin_core_element_name.desciption node in Collection Reference model
Resource Type dataset Nothing to customize
Resource Locator Link to the GetFeature Request of WFS to download data set Customize the server uri arlas-ogc.serverUri in ARLAS-server configuration
Unique resource identifier A value uniquely identifying the resource inspire.inspire_uri node in CollectionReference model
Resource Language The language(s) used within the resource. The value domain of this metadata element is limited to the languages defined in ISO 639-2 inspire.languages node in CollectionReference model
Topic Category The topic category is a high-level classification scheme to assist in the grouping and topic-based search of available spatial data resources. Must be one of the values in this list inspire.topic_categories node in CollectionReference model
Keyword Keywords characterising the data set. inspire.keywords node in CollectionReference model
Geographic Bounding Box The extent of data set. dublin_core_element_name.bbox node in CollectionReference model. Long/lat must be in decimal degrees, with a precision of at least two decimals
Temporal Reference Corresponds to the creation date of the data set Nothing to customize
Lineage This is a statement on process history and/or overall quality of the spatial data set. Where appropriate it may include a statement whether the data set has been validated or quality assured, whether it is the official version (if multiple versions exist) inspire.lineage node in CollectionReference model
Spatial Resolution Spatial resolution refers to the level of detail of the data set. It shall be expressed as a set of zero to many resolution distances (typically for gridded data and imagery-derived products) or equivalent scales (typically for maps or map-derived product inspire.spatial_resolution node in CollectionReference model
Conformity List of the implementing rules to which data set conforms. The date of publication and the degree conformity of these implementing rules are included. Nothing to customize
Conditions for Access and Use Provides information on any fees necessary to access and use the data set inspire.inspire_use_conditions node in CollectionReference model.
Limitation on public access Describes access constraints applied to assure the protection of privacy or intellectual property, and any special restrictions or limitations on obtaining the dataset. inspire.inspire_limitation_access node in CollectionReference model
Responsible Organisation Name and contact info of the organization responsible for providing and maintaining the dataset and its metadata arlas-ogc in ARLAS-server configuration
Metadata Point Of Contact Name and email of the organization responsible for maintaining the dataset and its metadata arlas-ogc.serviceProviderName and arlas-ogc.serviceContactMail in ARLAS-server configuration
Metadata Date The date which specifies when the metadata record was created or updated Nothing to customize
Metadata Language The language in which the metadata elements are expressed. The value domain of this metadata element is limited to the official languages of the European Community expressed in conformity with ISO 639-2. dublin_core_element_name.language node in CollectionReference model

INSPIRE compliant WFS - Download Services

WFS GetCapabilities Response

The GetCapabilities Response updates existing ISO 19142 XML elements of <WFS_Capabilities> and contains a new XML extension <inspire_dls:ExtendedCapabilities> that makes all INSPIRE metadata elements about WFS available.

The table below sums up these metadata elements and how to customize them through the ARLAS-server configuration and Collection Reference model

INSPIRE Metadata elements Description Customization
Resource Title Title of the WFS service Title of the data set it serves* in dublin_core_element_name.title node in Collection Reference model prefixed with WFS Download service
Resource Abstract Description of the WFS service Description of the data set it serves* dublin_core_element_name.desciption node in Collection Reference model prefixed with WFS Download service
Resource Type service Nothing to customize
Resource Locator Link to the GetCapabilities Request Customize the server uri arlas-ogc.serverUri in ARLAS-server configuration
Spatial Data Service Type download Nothing to customize
Keyword infoFeatureAccessService Nothing to customize
Geographic Bounding Box The extent of data queried by WFS. dublin_core_element_name.bbox node in CollectionReference model. Long/lat must be in decimal degrees, with a precision of at least two decimals
Temporal Reference Corresponds to the creation date of the WFS service arlas-inspire.services_date_of_creation in ARLAS-server configuration.
Conformity List of the implementing rules to which WFS conforms. The date of publication and the degree conformity of these implementing rules are included. Nothing to customize
Conditions for Access and Use Provides information on any fees necessary to access and use the WFS arlas-inspire.access_and_use_conditions in ARLAS-server configuration.
Limitation on public access Describes access constraints applied to assure the protection of privacy or intellectual property, and any special restrictions or limitations on obtaining the Inspire compliant WFS. inspire.inspire_limitation_access node in CollectionReference model
Responsible Organisation Name and contact info of the organization responsible for providing and maintaining the WFS and its metadata arlas-ogc in ARLAS-server configuration
Metadata Point Of Contact Name and email of the organization responsible for maintaining the WFS and its metadata arlas-ogc.serviceProviderName and arlas-ogc.serviceContactMail in ARLAS-server configuration
Metadata Date The date which specifies when the metadata record was created or updated Nothing to customize
Metadata Language The language in which the metadata elements are expressed. The value domain of this metadata element is limited to the official languages of the European Community expressed in conformity with ISO 639-2. dublin_core_element_name.language node in CollectionReference model
Unique resource identifier A value uniquely identifying the resource Same identifier of the data set it serves* : inspire.inspire_uri node in CollectionReference model
Coupled Resource Link to all the INSPIRE metadata elements in GMD format respecting the ISO 19139 Nothing to customize

*) Each data set is served by a WFS endpoint : {arlas-base-uri}/ogc/wfs/{collectionName}?service=WFS.

All this INSPIRE metadata elements are also accessible via a link to a Download Service metadata record given in <inspire_common:MetadataURL> in the extended capabilities section.

This link describes INSPIRE metadata elements in GMD format that respects the ISO 19139.

WFS GetCapabilities Request

Language parameter

The GetCapabilities request accepts a language parameter.

  • If the requested language is contained in the list of supported languages, then natural language metadata elements are returned in the requested language.
  • If the requested language is not supported by the WFS, then this parameter is ignored.
  • The value domain of this parameter is limited to the official languages of the European Community expressed in conformity with ISO 639-2.

INSPIRE compliant CSW - Discovery Services

CSW GetCapabilities Response

CSW GetCapabilities Response also updates <csw:GetCapabilities> existing elements and contains a new XML extension <inspire_dls:ExtendedCapabilities> that makes all INSPIRE metadata elements about CSW available.

The table below sums up these metadata elements and how to customize them through the ARLAS-server configuration

INSPIRE Metadata elements Description Customization
Resource Title Title of the CSW service arlas-csw.serviceIdentificationTitle in ARLAS-server configuration
Resource Abstract Description of the CSW service arlas-csw.serviceIdentificationAbstract in ARLAS-server configuration
Resource Type service Nothing to customize
Resource Locator Link to the GetCapabilities Request Customize the server uri arlas-ogc.serverUri in ARLAS-server configuration
Spatial Data Service Type discovery Nothing to customize
Keyword infoCatalogService. Keywords of all data sets are also provided. Nothing to customize
Date Of Creation Corresponds to the creation date of the CSW service arlas-inspire.services_date_of_creation in ARLAS-server configuration.
Conformity List of the implementing rules to which CSW & WFS conform. The date of publication and the degree conformity of these implementing rules are included. Nothing to customize
Conditions for Access and Use Provides information on any fees necessary to access and use the CSW arlas-inspire.access_and_use_conditions in ARLAS-server configuration.
Limitation on public access Describes access constraints applied to assure the protection of privacy or intellectual property, and any special restrictions or limitations on obtaining the Inspire compliant CSW. arlas-inspire.access_and_use_conditions in ARLAS-server configuration
Responsible Organisation Name and contact info of the organization responsible for providing and maintaining the CSW and its metadata arlas-ogc in ARLAS-server configuration
Metadata Point Of Contact Name and email of the organization responsible for maintaining the CSW & WFS services and their metadata arlas-ogc.serviceProviderName and arlas-ogc.serviceContactMail in ARLAS-server configuration
Metadata Date The date which specifies when the metadata record was created or updated Nothing to customize
Metadata Language The language in which the metadata elements are expressed. The value domain of this metadata element is limited to the official languages of the European Community expressed in conformity with ISO 639-2. arlas-csw.serviceIdentificationLanguage in ARLAS-server configuration

CSW GetCapabilities Request

Language parameter

The GetCapabilities request accepts a language parameter.

  • If the requested language is contained in the list of supported languages, then natural language metadata elements (Title, Abstract, ...) are returned in the requested language.
  • If the requested language is not supported by the WFS, then this parameter is ignored.
  • The value domain of this parameter is limited to the official languages of the European Community expressed in conformity with ISO 639-2.

Discover Metadata - GetRecords

Metadata elements of all data sets are searchable through the GetRecords request of CSW.

You can specify your metadata search query in the constraint parameter.

Constraint parameter

The constraint parameter accepts queries written in OGC Filter 2.0 constraint language.

Example: constraint=<Filter xmlns:wfs=""><PropertyIsEqualTo matchAction="Any" matchCase="true"><ValueReference>OrganisationName</ValueReference><Literal>Arlas</Literal></PropertyIsEqualTo></Filter>

In this query : - ValueReference corresponds to the queryable (OrganisationName in this example) that represents a metadata element. - Literal corresponds to the value of the queryable (Arlas in this example.)

The metadata elements listed in Required INSPIRE metadata elements for Spatial data sets are mapped to queryables defined by OGC and queryables defined by INSPIRE.

The table below maps metadata elements to the appropriate OGC (ISO) queryables :

INSPIRE metadata element OGC (ISO) queryables
Keyword Subject
Topic category TopicCategory
Spatial resolution SpatialResolution
Responsible party OrganisationName
Resource Title Title
Resource Abstract Abstract
Resource Type Type
Unique resource identifier ResourceIdentifier
Temporal Reference CreationDate
Metadata language Language


Geographic bounding box element can be queried using bbox parameter of the CSW service.

The table below maps metadata elements to the additional queryables defined by INSPIRE :

INSPIRE metadata element INSPIRE queryables
Conformity specification title SpecificationTitle
Conformity specification date SpecificationDate
Conformity specification date type (publication, creation, ..) SpecificationDateType
Conformity degree Degree
Responsible party role ResponsiblePartyRole
Lineage Lineage
Conditions for Access and Use ConditionApplyingToAccessAndUse
Limitations on public access : access constraint AccessConstraints
Limitations on public access : other restrictions OtherConstraints
Limitations on public access : classification Classification


  • All the OGC queryables are advertised in CSW GetCapabilities response in the section SupportedISOQueryables
  • All the INSPIRE queryables are advertised in CSW GetCapabilities response in the section AdditionalQueryables

Common response structure

To ensure a common response structure for a Discover Metadata request (GetRecords request), the value of the following request parameters shall be set as follows:

  • resultType = results
  • outputFormat = application/xml
  • outputSchema =
  • ElementSetName = full