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ARLAS Collection API

The ARLAS Collection API let you change the collection references of the ARLAS catalog.

URL Schema

The table below lists the URL endpoints.

PATH Template Description
/arlas/collections/ List the collections configured in ARLAS with the technical details
/arlas/collections/{collection} Get, add or delete a collection reference in ARLAS
/arlas/collections/_export Export all collections as a JSON file
/arlas/collections/_import Import collections from a JSON file posted as a multipart parameter

Managing collections


Method Input Data Output Data Description
GET None Array of CollectionReference as JSON Return the full description of all the Collection Reference stored in ARLAS-server


The following methods let you get, add and delete collection references from elasticsearch into the ARLAS catalog. A collection reference is the description of the elasticsearch index and the way ARLAS API will serve it.

Method Input Data Output Data Description
GET None CollectionReference as JSON Return the full description of the Collection Reference
PUT CollectionReference as JSON CollectionReference as JSON Add or update a CollectionReference
DELETE None None Delete a CollectionReference


Method Input Data Output Data Description
GET None JSON array of CollectionReference as file Return the full description of all the Collection Reference stored in ARLAS-server


Method Input Data Output Data Description
POST JSON array of CollectionReference as file posted in a multipart param Array of CollectionReference as JSON Return the full description of all the Collection Reference saved in ARLAS from this request (already stored collections will be updated)


A comma-separated list of columns can be passed in request header column-filter. Wildcards are supported.

A column filter stands for the fields that are available to a request body: - if a request body field doesn't belong to the column filter, a 403 is returned with the message The field '%s' isn't available or The fields '%s' aren't available; - only fields that belong to the column filter can be returned.

A column filter can be related to a collection, e.g. mycollection:myfield or it can be related to every collection, e.g. myfield. Trying to access a collection with no available field returns a 403. Collection names can be omitted or end with a '*'.

Examples of column-filter:

  •, makes available and for collection mycollection
  • mycollection* makes available for all collections whose names start with mycollection
  • params, params*, params.*, *params make available,, params.weight, and so on. for every collection
  • params, :params, *:params make available params and subfields for every collection
  • * makes all fields available
  • *.* makes only subfields available, e.g. and but not id
  • `` (empty value) makes all fields and collections forbidden.

If no column filter, then no filtering is done. An empty column filter will forbid all collections and columns.

The following endpoints use this header:

Endpoint Filtering result
/arlas/collections/ Only allowed collections are listed
/arlas/collections/_export Only allowed collections are exported
/arlas/collections/_import Import is done only if the collection name is allowed