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ARLAS API Overview

The ARLAS Server offers 6 endpoints:

  • a collection API for managing collections (http://.../arlas/collections/)
  • an exploration API for exploring, meaning searching and analyzing, spatial-temoral big data (http://.../arlas/explore/)
  • a RATSER tile service for rendering RASTER tiles based on the collection and on a tile service such as WMTS or X/Y/Z service
  • OGC/opensearch services:
    • a CSW service (http://.../arlas/ogc/csw)
    • a CSW opensearch service (http://.../arlas/ogc/csw/opensearch)
    • a WFS service (http://.../arlas/ogc/wfs/{collection}?REQUEST=GetCapabilities&VERSION=2.0.0&SERVICE=WFS)
    • an opensearch service (http://.../arlas/ogc/opensearch/{collection})
  • an API for monitoring the server health and performances.
  • an endpoints for testing the collection API and the exploration API with swagger.


All endpoints are not necessarily enabled. See the configuration for more details.


The monitoring API provides some information about the health and the performances of the ARLAS server that can be of interest:

URL Description
http://.../admin/metrics?pretty=true Metrics about the performances of the ARLAS server. Metrics about the collection API are prefixed with and metrics about the explore API are prefixed with
http://.../admin/ping Returns pong
http://.../admin/threads List of running threads
http://.../admin/healthcheck?pretty=true Whether the service is healthy or not


URL Description
http://.../arlas/swagger The web application for testing the API
http://.../arlas/swagger.yaml The swagger definition of the collections/exploration API with YAML format
http://.../arlas/swagger.yaml The swagger definition of the collections/exploration API with JSON format